
I was out with my single, gorgeous friend last Thursday night. We were on a mission to find a man for her, so we went to a very popular bar that was chock-full of guys. It was easy to spot the men I knew she’d be interested in, and we started making our way over.

Soon enough, we were approached by a couple of other men, making small chit-chat about where we were from, and the usual small talk conersation. Before I knew it, she was spending way too much time talking to them and forgetting about the other men she was attracted to. I had to play WingWoman and whisper to her that we were wasting our time, after verifying with her that neither of these guys would have a chance. Besides, she has a right to be picky, and we don’t want to waste their time either.

My friend is just way too nice to everyone. That’s great, but when you are trying to meet someone, and that was pretty much the number one goal of her going out that night, then you have to keep your eye on the prize. Sure, getting free drinks from guys who are flattering you is nice and all, but this is a distraction, and before you know it, the night has gone by.

All I’m saying is if you’re single and ready to meet that someone special, you can have fun and be social and polite to everyone, but you don’t want to go home and hate yourself for wasting the night away talking to people that you can’t see yourself dating. You have to look out for number one. Think of it this way: Why are you getting all dolled up, spending money on going out, telling yourself you’re going to meet someone, if you’re not going to follow through with it? Stay on track. Tell your friend/WingWoman to give you a little nudge if you need some help with this. You’ll be thankful that it was a worthwhile night!


Speed Dating in Boston



Last night we hosted our first speed dating event! We had a great turnout and I think we may have even helped spark a few love connections. I thought I would share a few of the pointers we gave last night to keep the conversation flowing.


1. You only have a few minutes to get to know each other, so don’t spend the entire time talking about yourself.

2. DON’T begin by asking people what they do for work. They may get the impression that you’re trying to size them up. It’s almost like asking someone how much money they make.

3. Travel is a great conversation starter. Ask them where they’ve travelled or where they would like to travel, and talk about some of your favorite trips too!

4. Ask them to tell you about surprising facts about themselves, or things that people would be surprised to know about them. It’s a quick way to create a deeper connection.

5. Smile, relax, and have fun! Dating is supposed to be exciting – even if these only last 8 minutes.