You Hit it Off on the First Date Now What?

Image      The tough part is over. She turned out to be normal and pretty; he didn’t lie about his height and has a steady job. Now you have to somehow figure out what the other person thought of you, and if he or she wants to see you again. This can be nerve-wracking to say the least, especially if you’re already head over heels! What should be your next step? Hopefully this helps ease some of the anxiety.

Here is a quick tip for both men and women:

Men – Follow up later that night if you like her.. comment on a silly joke or something you guys were making fun of when you were out. Maybe you were joking about the crappy service, or on a person’s crazy outfit you two noticed while people-watching. This is a great first move because it’s a comfortable one. All you’re doing is just continuing a joke you started when you were together. Also, it’s nice to check up and see if she got home ok as well! Now you can judge by her response what to do next, and have the conversation flow naturally. Stop waiting to call her in 2 days. It only makes things awkward.

Ladies – It’s important to not be too available after the first date. You may call this playing hard to get, but it’s really about showing this person that you have a social life and he wants to be in it and learn more about you. If a man asks you to do something the following Saturday night,  pretend you already have plans. I don’t care if you’re home watching a Lifetime movie and eating popcorn on your coach. You can follow up with a suggestion for another night. Let him take the reigns and suggest a place once you decide on a day. Men like the chase. If you’re too available then it’s too easy for them to win you over and move on to the next challenge.

Follow these rules and you’ll be setting yourself up for a second date in no time!